Unveiling Our Impact - Explore Our Impact Reports

Impact Report

We understand that you, our supporters, partners, and stakeholders, want to know the real impact of your engagement with us. Our Impact Reports provide transparency, insight, and a compelling narrative about the meaningful work we’ve been doing in the Jewish Australian fertility support space. 

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Impact Report 2023

Impact Report


impact report 2023

Impact Report 2022

Impact Report


ajfn impact report 2022

Impact Report 2020/21

Impact Report


ajfn impact report 2020 2021

Real Stories

  • We cannot thank you and your team enough. We are truly eternally grateful in every single way. This little miracle of ours exists because Hashem/G-d connected us with you – may everyone at the AJFN be blessed always.’…

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  • As a result of COVID-19 I was retrenched from my job and my husband is self employed and has experienced a dramatic reduction in his workload. This has been emotionally and financially devastating for us as a family. We have not had to reach out for financial support in the…

    couple lying down
  • Just wanted to say thanks again for the gorgeous package you delivered yesterday, so so sweet, generous and thoughtful. Exactly what I needed after the week. Lifted my spirits like I can’t even tell you! And the challah was delish!! Thank you thank you. …

    ajfn care packages
  • Thank you for organising the package I received the other week, the day before egg collection. I was so touched and really appreciated the thoughtfulness. I am still enjoying the goodies in the box….

    volunteers care packs
  • Providing us a care pack and Shabbos meal in our harder weeks in addition to 1 on 1 support for each of us with a volunteer who is always ready at the go, to check in and make sure you are doing alright, and let you know you are not…

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  • We are beyond grateful to announce our little blessing will be joining us next May. Thank you for all your support through our journey we are so grateful for the support and kindness the AJFN has shown us….

    couple holding newborn baby