Infertility Awareness Shabbat

Join us in giving infertility a voice

For 18 years, the Australian Jewish Fertility Network has been a vital advocate for those facing infertility in the Jewish community. This year’s Infertility Awareness Shabbat, Giving Infertility a Voice (March 28-30), coincides with AJFN’s 18th birthday and chai year—symbolising life and new beginnings. With one in six Australians affected by infertility, the journey can be isolating, yet support is available. AJFN has made great strides in creating new Jewish life and strengthening community continuity but work still needs to be done. Infertility Awareness Shabbat is a powerful reminder to foster open conversations and ensure no one faces this challenge alone.

new ias 2025 giving infertility a voice

How can you get involved in this Infertility Awareness Shabbat?

Join us in giving infertility a voice

From saying prayers and making challah to attending events and volunteering, here's how you can show your support and raise awareness for those facing fertility challenges:

    Thank you to Women’s Health Melbourne and Melbourne IVF for sponsoring Melbourne community activities.

  1. Say the AJFN Fertility Prayer in honour of the 1 in 6

    Download the prayer here. Say it before lighting your Shabbat candles or while making challah.

    Download Prayer
  2. Make Challah in honour of the 1 in 6

    Jewish women have transformative power when making challah.

    • AJFN Challah Recipe and Prayer

      The time of kneading the challah dough and the separation itself are known to be special times for prayer. When making your...
      ajfn fertility zone challah
    • The Power of Challah

      A beautiful speech by Adira Werdiger on the transformative power of baking challah as a Jewish woman, at an AJFN Challah Bake....
      whatsapp image 2024 03 15 at 1.39.38 pm
  3. Be mindful of your words – some resources to guide you

  4. Participate in a community event

    • Follow our social media pages for participating shules hosting talks in honour of Infertility Awareness Shabbat. Dr Raelia Lew will speak in Melbourne at Caulfield Shule on 22 March and at Elsternwick Shule on 29 March. Shimon and Janine Davidowitz will talk about their fertility journey in Sydney at The North Shore Synagogue on 29 March. 

    • Visit a participating bakery to buy your challah or other delicious baked goods in honour of Infertility Awareness Shabbat.

    • soul sisters ajfn event

      Soul Sisters – An Inspiring AJFN Rosh Chodesh Event in honour of Infertility Awareness Shabbat

      Rosh Chodesh is a special time for women to unite and support each other. Sydney Soul Sisters, join AJFN as we close out Infertility Awareness Shabbat, for a night of sisterhood, yoga and storytelling. Don’t forget your yoga mats!

      Led by holistic therapist and yoga teacher Lori Levin and featuring special guest, fertility advocate and midwife, Sharon Stoliar.

      Light snacks will be served. 

      Sunday 30 March | 7.00 – 9.00PM | Eastern Suburbs, Sydney, Venue TBC 2 days before the event. 

      We can’t wait to see you there! 

      March 30, 2025
      Eastern Suburbs Sydney
      Book Tickets
  5. Donate or volunteer

    • Donate to AJFN before lighting your Shabbat candles

    • Donate to AJFN in the name of someone facing infertility.

    • Going out for a Shabbat meal? Consider sending an eCard in lieu of a gift.

      Send eCard
    • Register as a volunteer to deliver meals or care packs.

    • If you have walked your own fertility journey, consider becoming an AJFN Peer Support Companion.

      Join us

AJFN is here for you. You are not alone.

If you or someone you know needs support, please reach out to our compassionate support team:

Follow us on our social channels for more updates:

therapy support holding hands

Thank you to Women’s Health Melbourne and Melbourne IVF for sponsoring Melbourne community activities.