There are many things you can do to boost your chance of conceiving a healthy baby.  It takes about three months to make new sperm, so experts recommend making changes at least three months before conception. Here’s a list of proven ways to improve your sperm.  

  • Manage your weight 
  • Exercise regularly and eat well 
  • Get into a good exercise routine  
  • Eat well 
  • Cut out smoking, limit alcohol and avoid  recreational drugs 
  • Reduce exposure to harmful chemicals in the home and workplace 
  • Keep your testes cool 
  • Manage health conditions 
  • Don’t leave it too late 
  • Book a pre-conception health check with your GP  

Manage your weight

Aim to be in the healthy weight range to increase your chance of a healthy baby. Being overweight can reduce sperm quality and your chance of conceiving. 

Exercise regularly and eat well 

Regular physical activity and eating well improves sperm health and reduces the risk of conditions like diabetes. The Mediterranean diet is a great example of a well-balanced diet. Try for 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity,  such as brisk walking or jogging, every day. 

Cut out smoking, limit alcohol and avoid recreational drugs 

Smoking, heavy drinking, and drugs such as anabolic steroids, can cause fertility problems,  damage sperm, and affect the health of your future baby.  

Reduce exposure to harmful chemicals in the home and workplace 

Some chemicals can affect reproductive health and reduce the chance of conceiving. 

For a list of chemicals to avoid check out 

Keep your testes cool 

Saunas and tight underwear can increase the temperature in your testicles and reduce the quality of your sperm. Avoid spas, saunas and hot baths. Wearing boxer shorts may also help keep things cool down there. 

Manage health conditions 

Some medical conditions affect fertility such as diabetes and sexually transmitted infections.  Get advice from your doctor about medical conditions and any medications you are currently taking. 

Don’t leave it too late 

Don’t leave it too late. Men younger than 40 have a better chance of having a child than older men. While age can’t be controlled, if you want to become a father, sooner is better than later. 

Book a pre-conception health check with your GP 

See your GP to make sure you’re as healthy as possible before trying for a baby. 

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