How not to say the wrong thing...
The Ring Theory: Supporting Others in Crisis In a crisis, focus on the person at its center. Ring Theory provides a simple...Looking after YOU on Rosh Hashanah...
Rosh Hashanah can be a time of both joy and emotional challenges. Here are 10 reminders to nurture your feelings during the...How to show support on Rosh Hashanah...
As we approach Rosh Hashanah, it’s important to be mindful of those facing challenges on their fertility journey....The SAVVY Framework On Supporting Others – Myra Sack...
The "SAVVY" Framework is featured in the book, Fifty-Seven Fridays: Losing Our Daughter Finding Our Way, by Myra Sack is a way...What is endometriosis?...
Understanding endometriosis: symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options: A fact sheet on endometriosis by Dr Simon Nothman, Genea...AJFN Challah Recipe and Prayer...
The time of kneading the challah dough and the separation itself are known to be special times for prayer. When making your...A Jewish Perspective on Miscarriage and Stillbirth...
A Jewish Perspective on Miscarriage and Stillbirth - Reflections by Lilly Rublin-Sokoloff...Baby loss, infertility and childlessness – A guide for Rabbis, Rebbetzens and...
If you need advice on how to support others experiencing fertility related loss then this is the guide for you. Curated from...I Can Do Hard Things – Rachel Rosenthal...
A reflection from Rachel Rosenthal on National Infertility Awareness Week and her experience of bodies, running, infertility and motherhood....Prayer on the Loss of a Baby...
A beautiful prayer to say upon the loss of a baby. Source: Office of the Chief Rabbi, UK...Tay-Sachs disease and other conditions more common in the Ashkenazi Jewish Community ...
This fact sheet describes genetic conditions that are more common in the Ashkenazi Jewish community including the symptoms, causes and any testing...AJFN Fertility Prayer...
A beautiful AJFN fertility prayer written by Dr Benjamin Elton and Rabbi Dovy Rapoport....A Guide to Understanding Infertility...
Life sometimes doesn’t go to plan. Pregnancies sometimes don’t go to plan. That’s why we are here to help....You’re Pregnant, Now What? All You Need to Know....
Here’s our one page checklist to make it simpler for you to know the essentials of managing a new pregnancy, and guide...Secrecy, Family Relationships and the Welfare of Children Born with the Assistance...
AN INCREASING NUMBER OF babies are being born using donated sperm, where the resulting child is genetically related to the mother but...Becoming a Sperm Donor: A Guide to the Treatment Process ...
IVF Australia: Becoming a Sperm Donor - Information Guide...A Guide to Understanding Preconception...
You’re thinking of having a baby. Now what? It’s a daunting process, but we’ve compiled a one page handout of all the...Fertility in a Modern Jewish World...
Whenever we are given the knowledge to be able to help people, this is a gift from G-d. With the advancement of...A Rational Definition of Infertility...
There is more to understanding infertility than simply defining it as 'the inability to conceive within 12 months' of trying. This fact...Have You Been Trying to Get Pregnant?...
Trying to fall pregnant can be a very stressful time in anyone's journey to parenthood; understanding infertility and common causes, along with...An Overview of Male Infertility...
This highly practical fact sheet outlines what male infertility is, its symptoms and causes, how it is diagnosed, as well as techniques...Sensitivity Suggestions – FAQ...
Everyone reacts differently to situations, even if their situations are similar. Being mindful of their experiences and showing sensitivity to their emotional...COVID-19 and IVF Treatments – What to Expect...
IVF clinics have now re-opened, albeit with some hospital and treatment procedure restrictions, so it is best you contact your IVF clinic...What to Say / Not Say to Someone Struggling With Infertility...
Ever wondered what is appropriate (or not) to say to someone dealing with infertility? Here is a guide on what you can...